Beginning of my journey to Colonia
26 Jul 2021Darkhorse7
Journey to Colonia Log 1 Stardate July 26 3307.I have departed from LHS 317 with my fuel scoop and AFM equipped. My intentions are to fly in the direction of Colonia using scoop able stars to get me there. Ill avoid all non scoop able and neutron stars. Basically just O, B, A, F, G, K and M type stars will be used during route planning. I am not certain if my plans will hold up throughout the whole trip but at least its enough to get me going.
Heat damage inflicted by close encounters with certain hot stars seems to be my first plan breaker. During my departure of the bubble certain key modules has received damage that would leave me dead in the water if this type of wear continues. I will have to brain storm a plan to mitigate or just outright avoid further damage to key modules. Using public information tools i am able to come to an conclusion that i have made it 1,734.41 Ly from LHS 317 (Bubble) so far all while sustaining around 20% heat damage to key modules.
With approximately 20,000 Ly left i might make it...
-Commander Darkhorse7 of the 44th Federal Vulture Syndicate