Ship trials and Ranks
22 Jun 2016Ashen Seraph
First log entry I've done. Don't really know why I'm starting. Tends not to be a thing I'd do, but somehow feels right anyway. Been at this for a while now. I've already visited the center of the galaxy and done my fair share of both combat and trading. Spent a fair amount of time in the CQC championship for good measure, enough to get invited to the champion home world.Decided the last few days that I needed to give all the ships I could afford a try to see if maybe I like them more than what I already have. So far I've largely not been surprised by which ships I do and don't like.
I'm also slowing gaining reputation and rank with both the Federation and Empire while doing so. I have discovered that LTT 7334 (I think) is a near-by Imperial system to my home system.
Otherwise, I'm just twiddling my thumbs waiting for Lost Worlds - DWE to start.