Name: The Explorers Consortium
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 119

Related minor faction: The Explorer's Consortium

In-game name:
  • PCThe Explorers Consortium [TEXC]
  • XBThe Explorers Consortium [TEXC]
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About The Explorers Consortium

The Explorer’s Consortium

Remember Sol

We are the Explorer’s Consortium. Founded on May 10th, 3302, our group has grown from a few members to well over two hundred, and counting. Comprised of commanders of virtually every known profession, from explorers to veteran combat pilots, the Consortium is a widely varied group of individuals united by one purpose. The goal to share, grow and strengthen each other within a harsh and sometimes unfriendly galaxy. To further this goal, the Consortium is fiercely independent and remains neutral in Power Play, though we do not stop individual members from pursuing their respective goals within the elite.  A strong community with driven admins, the Consortium welcomes all pilots into her ranks, and we look forward to seeing you in the black.  Fly safe, Commanders.

Who is the Consortium?

Simply put, a community. We possess commanders and pilots of all professions, play styles, and nationalities. We have explorers, traders, researchers, and veteran combat pilots. Organized into various sub-groups, there is a place for everyone within our ranks. A strong and active leadership ensures that everyone feels welcome, and with one of the most active and supportive communities in Elite, both in-game, on Inara, Facebook, and discord, there’s always someone around to stave off the space madness with.

Rules of the Consortium

Respect is a must in the Consortium. We possess pilots from all over the world, and the best way to play is to give each other respect and support.
The Consortium seeks to maintain an independent and unfettered status within the galaxy. As such we do not align ourselves with any one power, and we ask that political discussions (in game, or otherwise) are not included.

How We Communicate

All information regarding our communication servers and media can be found under private discussions. It is only accessible to members of the wing.



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