Logbook entry

Official Report A01 Interstellar Calendar: June 19 Year: 3302

20 Jun 2016Amar Epsilon
Captains Log:

Begin official report: Bounty Operations in System LHS 1809

Pulled out of Hyperspace in LHS 1809.
Ship sector scan commenced.
Attempted to reprimand ships flagged as wanted by LHS 1809 controlling faction and Federation Authorities. As per Federation regulation 2019 section C.

Ship Detained: Corelli Gadfly.
Class: Viper mk IV
Pilot: "Hemlock" Harris
Wanted: Murder in the first degree of an official from the Nanomam system.
Bounty: 300,000 cr.
Captain's Note: Harris voluntarily surrendered. Shock trooper's boarded the "Gadfly" to make the arrest.

Ship Destroyed: Orion's Trident
Class: DBE
Pilot: Oswald Yesmir
Wanted: Piracy
Bounty: 250,000 cr
Captain's Note: When asked for his surrender the aforementioned replied with: "GO TO HELL YOU [Redacted]!" At which point his ship went weapons hot. Crew given green light to engage.

Ship Destroyed: Princip Hold
Class: Python
Pilot: Captain Usain Geralt
Wanted: Piracy, Murder, Theft, Escaping MaxSec Ward [Redacted].
Bounty: 350,000 cr
Bounty Note: Suspect is considered Extremely Dangerous. Authorization level: Black: Shoot on sight.
Captain's Note: Offered suspect terms. Suspect attempted to flee. Gunnery Sgt Jesman destroyed suspects engines. Suspect attempted to engage. Weapons systems set to hot. Crew given green light to engage and destroy.

Departed Compromised Nav Beacon Space.
Captain's Note: Someone really needs to fix that.

Entered Nowak Landing Space.
Docking Authorization granted.

K.I.C.S set to auto docking.
Met with Security Chief Hasworth.
Bounty Received: 900,000+ cr.

Ship restocked and refueled.
End of Official report.
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