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Wars and Rumors of Wars Prologue: Rescue Mission: Case 230A-24

28 Sep 2016Amar Epsilon
I was on a routine patrol of the LHS 20 Asteroid belts when my coms panel flickered to life. In the belt you expect very few transmissions, but surprisingly this came through on the long range band. "FSS Eagle's Flame, stand-by for WARNO transmission." I patiently waited for the warning order to be transmitted to my Transactions panel. Soon I received new Orders to make my way to the TAU-1 ERIDANI system to assist in a search and rescue operation for the doomed vessel Herald's Ascendancy. The Ascendancy had a crew of 3 and according to their last transmission, the crew had jettisoned with their cargo. My crew quickly set the course and we embarked.
Upon arriving in the system, we met up with the other search vessels and started a hard target and grid search. The vapor trail from the Ascendancy could still be seen, but the wreckage was no where to be found. Then we found them, three pods mixed among the remainder of the Ascendancy's cargo. Quickly we put the Flame down and launched Surface Recovery Vehicles (SRV mk II) to bring the pods on board. So far everything was routine, no pirates, no scavengers, just a simple recovery mission. Then our medical station reports back that one of the Pods has been damaged and we are loosing the pilot! With all haste we stowed the landing gear and blasted out of orbit.
The Flame then made the journey back to OHM City in record time, just barely pulling into the dock as her gear deployed. I had alerted EMS crews to be on station as we had a damaged pod on board. I stood and watched the pods be whisked away on gurneys to the medical station on site. I cant help but wonder if the pilots made it, and what events led to the destruction and disappearance of the CSS Herald's Ascendancy.
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