Logbook entry

23/08/3303 - The creation of the Federal Flemish Corps

23 Aug 2017Bie
It has been playing in my head already for some time now. I've been a loyal supporter of Pranav Antal in the past and been with the Guardians of Harmony for quite some time. I thought: "Why don't I strike out on my own?". So gradually the idea formed of starting up own wing. One day I struk up a converstation with CMDR Heideric and he agreed to help me out. And so the Federal Flemish Corps was founded. It doesn't have to be a big undertaking, but I think that with our combined knowhow we can make some cash in the mercenary business.

I was to take care of the necessary paperwork for our registration and CMDR Heideric scouted out for a suitable location for our headquarters. The Alpha Fornacis system was chosen for its central position in the bubble. By now our assistants our setting up the headquarters in Clement Station and I'm looking for a new accomodations in Doi City for me and my family.

While looking through the logs of my fleet I decided to sell all my Colonia stationed ships. So Phoenix, Argon, Fanatic and Spade all had to go. Meanwhile I took a look at Demigryph and found that it was performing sub-par. I know I've only recently bought and outfitted him, but lately I've been using White Wolf and I've grown accustomed to the ease of which I can dispatch my enemies. So time to head back to the drawingboard. This tinkering and engineering is never going to stop is it?
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