Cmdr Evil Horse
Explorer / Bounty hunter
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Elite V
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Close Encounters Corps

Logbook entry

Logbook Entry 1

31 Oct 2023Evil Horse
The Seraph's Wing, ICZ ZK-X b1-0 system
- Commander?
- What'cha want?
- Vox Galactica Correspondent, I'd like to ask you some questions about... you.
- Is this an interrogation?
- Yes, and no - the guard said, stepping in - We've already prepared your interrogation report based on your recent history. We expect it to be sent AFTER our honorable guest being escorted back.
- So let's get her the fuck outta here. I don't have any bounties on my head.
- Unless you get another one for interfering with independent journalist. - the guard turned around - I'll leave you alone.

October 7th, 3309
In the interrogation cell, was a woman with Vox Galactica badge.
She came with a tablet, which had been switched on and put on the table in the center.
- Is this a recorder?
- Yes. The personal one and the only one which...
- (Interrupting) I don't care whether it is the only one or not.
I had enough time to learn about any encryption being cracked faster than your FSD charges up.
You want to ask -- you put this thing off the table and shut it down.
- How much time? - the tablet became dark before disappearing in woman's pocket
- Ten years.
- Quite a few, I think. Could we have a seat? - a non-human creature kept standing near its chair while another one has been occupied by a woman shortly.
- Do I look like being able having the seat?
- Sorry, I don't feel comfortable seeing my vis-a-vis, unlike me, standing straight.
- It was your choice to came wherever the rumors lead you.
- I agree.
The creature was quadrupedal.

- So, how you did get this? Another secret alien experiment gone wrong?
- No, it is natural.
- Don't you tell me your hair is natural too?
- ...
- Is it?
- Your face looks like a big fucking neon saying "I won't believe that" so quit bothering me with such questions.
- You see, there were three species among the galaxy. People, Thargoids which we fight now and Guardians which they fought millions of years ago. And...
- And I don't match any of them. It was an accident decade ago.
- What kind of one?
- A hyperspace one which could turn you inside out.
- Excuse me?
- Never had a history lesson about inventing your "FSD" thing?
We had things allowing us to travel faster than light.
Tech plus magic. More powerful than you have.
Even more powerful that Yong-Rui could have dreamed of.
In my case, it malfunctioned.

- Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
This is R-A-D-A-2-0! I'm being attacked, Jump drive critical!
- R-A-D-A-2-0, this is Dispatch, activate Remote Jump Protocol and send your coordinates. Over.
- Sending coordinates, over.
* Remote jump initiated *
- Security troops will meet you after jump, over.
- Jumping in 5 seconds, R-A-D-A-2-0 out.

- This is dispatch, We have a red code target jumping into our system. Remote jump activated, get ready.
Anything come after her must be annihilated. ETA 2 minutes.

*Core systems offline*
- Aw shi~

- Dispatch, where is she?
- I dunno, sarge. Should be here an hour ago.
- Dammit.
Mobilize lookup troops, we have a misjump situation!

Somewhere in Wregoe Sector
- Come on, Dan. You can't be afraid of everything.
Our job is to rescue people, not to fight Xenos, you know.
- Sam. This is unknown ship with unknown signature popped out of hyperspace.
I don't recognize it's signature. What if it's another Thargoid vessel?
- No. And this ship is drifting to planet.
- Crap.

- How'd you survive? I definitely recall an impact from news.
- I woke up in a... I dunno where exactly. Hospital? Prison? Both?
Maybe research facility.
- Don't you know where your ship is?
- *sigh* Let's skip this alright?
- Why?
- This ship is useless. Its debris are junk in this realm.
- It reminds you of something?
- ...
- Are you okay?
- Just get the fuck out please.

I've lost everything.
I've lost everybody I knew.
I have no chance to return.
- Hey, get out already!
- I'm sorry. I can't just...
- Yes you can ma'am. You asked for Pilot's Federation, you arrived at Pilot's Federation.
- Do you think...
- Yes I do. They will get used to it after several months.
Just like me. You don't understand how many freaks I have travelled with.
- What?
- Apex Interstellar. The one and only galaxy-wide taxi in Milky Way!
- The one and only...

- Hello, this is your first training flight. Sidewinder is docked and waiting for departure.
- Thanks. It's weird.
- This is normal. Flying into space always feels different.
I'd like to ask something. I saw your papers and there were blank fields.
Can you explain why you left them blank?
- Ahem.
- Holy. Fucking. Shit.
- Does that mean we can fly later?

- That explains why you're wearing an opaque helmet.
- Nah. It becomes opaque in settled systems.
- This is unusual modification.
- Advanced engineering. Guess who helped with it.

- I sent your profile to Pioneer Supplies and Inter Astra.
Don't worry, it will not be sold. We guarantee it.
- And what will they do with it?
- They will contact an engineer to design a suit for you.
And a safe, comfy seat for your ship.
Until then, flights are restricted.
- Another security protocol you pulled out of a hat?

- Commander?
- What? Another visitor?
An old man with Pilot's Federation uniform stepped in.
- Your ship has been arrived.
Sorry for delay.
- Inter Astra would...
- The Security Protocol was implemented and requires a representative of PF to control ship transfers.
This is absolutely required no matter how late he is. Guards dismissed, I'll take handle myself.

- Sarge?
- Hmm?
- What are these "Security Protocols"?
- Ask Captain about this.
- I asked. "This is not the story you are here for." - he said.
- Do you want to know why?
- Yes.
- This is not the story you are here for.
Get back to your duty and escort a voxgalactican.
Do you like it?
︎6 Shiny!
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