Logbook entry

Gallivanting around the Galaxy Map

19 Mar 2021Lhorndra
Are you bored yet with my entries about button configurations, dear logbook? Well, that’s what you are for! To record all those space flight basics for me to look up in the future. So there!

The onboard Galaxy Map is a strange beast. I’ve learned to fly my ship through hoops and nooks and crannies. I can dock and undock without an autopilot. I topple my SRV only rarely. Yet I can’t seem to navigate through the map in the same natural way.

I tried different input devices, different bindings, I listened to experienced commanders, I engrossed myself in the “Galaxy Map for Dummies” VR experience… still, I fell uncomfortable selecting a new star system or looking for specific stuff in my vicinity.

These are my current input controls. They may change in the future.

The Bindings Findings Series:

Rookie pilot Lhorndra signing off to get some sleep.

Huge thanks to EdCardRef and GIMP.
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