The Menguru Run
23 Mar 2021CMDR_Ghosteye
March 23, 3307 - Menguru, Schoening Orbital - The Freeport Branching out from the pilots federation economic zone I have found myself in the Menguru System. I have worked my way from a sidewinder to Hauler, Adder, Cobra MkIII, and now have settled for a Type 6 as my dedicated trading vessel until I can afford a bigger ship. It took some time to find a decent trade loop and I stumbled upon HIP 98621 and Menguru. I've found a decent profit trading, Silver and Lepidolite between the systems for about 22,000Cr/ton profit per run. I'm in the process of earning enough to upgrade my FSD so I may branch out and find potentially more profitable trade loops. I look forward to see what today will. I know it will be a good day out in the dark and empty void.
Commander Ghosteye, the Freeport