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Echo of a nightmare - Part 2

29 Aug 2022Aceiss
Current Date: 3308, August, 14th 10:07
Researcher: James Laundry
Access Level: 3
“ – Some fucking pirates just showed up. Making such a big deal that we don’t have adequate landing pads for their fucking Anaconda, demanding payment for not accommodating them. They look like they barely escaped a skirmish with the GalPol or some rugged bounty hunter. Luuk will sort this out soon enough; he’s not the one you should cross. Damn monster is willing to wrestle the entirety of the Empire for this settlement. Wonder why is that damn youngster with him tho, he’s too hotheaded to mess with pirates. Hope Luuk takes care of Lis; 20-year-old hothead barking at pirates; at least his skills in the lab earned him that pompous nickname he’s so proud of. Hmpf… Scalpel… A ‘scalpel’ mind used as a hammer half the time due to his impulsiveness. Maybe these kinds of interactions will calm and mild him, he sure needs to be knocked down a few pegs.”
“ – I don’t know what happened, but those damned pirates just killed Lis! One of the sharpshooters of the pirates shot Lis! Oh god, he’s shredded. Missing his right arm, half of his torso and the plasma bullet nicked his jaw, it’s all broken and dangling. Luuk engaged the settlement defenses and they started to mow down the pirates and their ships. Some of those idiots came to the base following Luuk’s SRV. It’s chaos here, but I think they learned that our settlements it’s not to be trifled with. We cornered 6 of them in the storage section and we killed 2 of them and wounded another 1. They are leaving with the dead and the wounded; serves them right, those motherfuckers. Luuk said that we should bury what remains of Lis in the desert where his remains are, it’s a waste of a good kid. He could have been great and now he ended up in the dirt of this shit ass planet. Tonight, the first rum shot is for you. This one’s for you, Lis ‘Scalpel’ Renato.”
Current Date: 3308, August, 16th 18:41
Researcher: James Laundry
Access Level: 3
“ – Damn… Last night as well, I woke up at 3-4 am hearing scrapings on my window. I swear that I saw Lis outside, missing arm broken jaw and everything. What the fuck is going on here?! Today I took some time and inspected my window. I found some strange smudges and prints outside the window, but I have yet to test them. I… Maybe I’m afraid of what I’ll find out? Nah… I’m a scientist, I’m top of my field, what’s with this fear mumbling Jimmy? You’re the man! Now grab your balls and do it.”
“ – While I was going to the lab and test my finding I heard that Luuk and Amara were talking to ‘Firecracker’ Jen. She’s been having similar night visits/nightmare to mine? How the…?! ‘Firecracker’ Jen, a married scientist that works in gene therapy. Has a husband fighting some godforsaken conflict hundreds of star systems away and she’s here developing new genes and new bonds with like half of the settlement. Poor bastard doesn’t even know… Hell I’m one of the idiots that got cracked by ‘Firecracker’, why am I feeling sorry for him?... Anyway, onto more pressing matters, I need to find out what she knows. How the hell does she see Lis when her room is on the first floor?”
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