Logbook entry

They're tough old murder flowers

02 Jan 2023STOCTO
I'm not cut out for combat. I knew it before and now I have it confirmed. Set out for an invaded system this morning - the Thargoids are tough, Gauss cannons are hard, and I'm rubbish. Scouts pop easily enough, but my refitted 'conda melts like last week's Lavian brandy butter in a sun's corona.
I'm not proud, but I'm running. after seeing the rescue rangers three times in one day, this ain't for me and has actually set me back on my quest for a fleet carrier. Instead, I'm recouping at AY Indi, getting the phantom out of the hangar and heading out into the black. Discovering a few new systems perhaps, maybe getting on the biodata gravytrain that's going on at the moment.

But I know for sure, these bruised bones are no good at combat
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