Logbook entry

Don't Get Cocky, Kid

13 Jan 2023STOCTO
Damn. Damn damn damn and blast.

About 24 hours ago I got picked up by the Rescue Rangers... Again. Usually nice and chatty, they went silent after seeing the black box readout. Half a billion credits lost. One silently handed me a glass of Lavian.

On the ride back to the nearest station in their surprisingly comfortable Anaconda, I made a bit of a pity post in a forum. Some pilots blamed me for it ("why the hell were you fighting if you had that much data on board?"), others gave sympathy - but one kind philanthropist, CMDR Diniamo, offered to pay me the money outright so that the hours in the black weren't wasted. I gladly accepted, and (once back in one of my own vessels), I set out for his carrier. They promptly sorted affairs and soon my misery was lost to the solar winds!

Now I'm back in AY Indi, sitting in the new Flame II, and getting ready to set back out on the Billionaire's Boulevard... This Fleet Carrier won't afford itself!

Oh. And I'm now a billionaire. Whoop!
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︎0 Shiny!
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