Logbook entry

Loadin' her up

14 Aug 2023STOCTO
The Tan y Gwin is hungry for tritium. I'm gonna make the long haul- Colonia, that is, nothing mad like Beagle Point. She's stretched her leg in the bubble - up too nearly 300ly in the biggest jump - whilst I've been going around the engineers doing the final touches on my fleet. But the route I've charted has her doing jumps of >499 lightyears, and two doing the absolute limit of human engineering at 500ly - for forty. Five. Jumps. it will be a trek.

I've put in a buy order to a public pilot's fed forum and, well, they told me to up the cost per tonne or no one will do it. This carrier business ain't cheap. I've got enough for one way and... Maybe half back. Maybe. I think another booze cruise is in order before I can commit the funds to load up enough.

Speaking of business - my own is more and more taxing on my time. Well, I say mine - I mean the family's. I want to go out, to explore, to travel... But I'm tied to the job. Credits don't mean much any more but the loyalty - the people - are the real currency. We can terraform planets, we can haul kilotons of metal around the bubble in minutes, we can steal endless energy from suns - humans only value currency because if we don't, it all falls apart.
No. The real currency is experiences, loyalty, and people.

The stars can wait. They've been there a while, they can stay a bit longer. But those I love won't be there as long.

And hey. If the thargoids come, the Tan y Gwin can get us out. Even if we have to convert the cargo bays for sleeping in. Then, Colonia is our destination for sure.

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︎0 Shiny!
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