Logbook entry


24 Dec 2022Sadetar



Date: 24.12.3308
Location: HIP 13644, MAV THE YELLOW SIGN
Ship: The Pallid Mask, SSL-7

Happy Holidays to me, I guess. There doesn't seem to be much to celebrate though. The ship/project, Kingfisher, meant for trying to communicate with the Thargoids in order to bring peace or at least another truce, was sabotaged by someone on the inside. Pilots searching the wreckage, after the ship was destroyed by one of the Thargoid maelstroms, found Thargoid artifacts within the wreck. Basically everyone knows better than to carry meta-alloys or things made by Thargoids if they want to move through space they inhabit. I sincerely doubt that the people involved with the Kingfisher project would have simply forgotten about that, so sabotage seems likely. The only question really is by whom. Azimuth? The Federation even? Both have previous history with 'poking the wasps nest' and then lying to our faces about it when there are unpleasant consequences. A few people have suggested it was one of the Far God Cult's sects, but... Even considering the rising notoriety of the so called 'True' sect, I don't actually think it's very likely.

Anyway, naturally, the Thargoid Advocacy Project's popularity has decreased dramatically, especially within the Federation. Probably within the Empire too, though they have been very 'everything is fine and will continue to be fine' with all official statements so far. The other superpowers have not commented as much as I'd hoped, though going by the chatter I've heard in various stations suggests most people are firmly anti-xeno at this point. Not everyone has agreed to fight, though. There are those who hope to at least mitigate damages caused by this new war, whether by rescues or repairs, and there are still even those who hope or truly believe peace is possible and are working toward it.

Personally, I'm not sure if peace is possible any more. I think I've stated this in an earlier log too, ha. I do hope so, and I will continue to support those who believe and do the work. I have obligations to unyielding superiors, I'm not free to do as I please as long as I'm indebted, but I will find a way to help.

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