Road to Riches Log 2
02 Aug 2021Kaybre
I woke up today to a collision alert. Barely had my eyes open three seconds before I saw it out the window. Hunk of rock coming in like a steamroller, but it was big enough to flatten us. The star shone through its leading debris, and for a moment it looked like a face screaming at me. Maybe it was my imagination, but it's not like I had time to stare at it. The autopilot helped skip the startup sequence, and we only took a few bumps and flak from the smaller chunks before we vamoosed. Glad I sprung for those alloy upgrades and shield remodulations - thank you, Suzanne from Olsen Station. I'm on my way again, but now I need stimcaf and a clean set of britches. Times like these I'm glad I decided to take this trip in the Adder. Lots of space here in the cockpit - not like those training Sidewinders. Gwydion served me well, though he was on loan. Speaking of that - it's a hell of a thing when the Pilots' Federation gives you a free ship to use out of the blue. I mean, I applied and got on the waitlist and all that, but I didn't realize they were that hard up for pilots that I'd get the call so soon. Proud to say I didn't waste the opportunity, though. Snatched up every courier job I could, and a few nicely timed trades got me a windfall of a couple hundred thousand. Seed money is what it was - got Arwen and switched out the cargo for long distance modules and now I'm flying in style on my first bit of speculative work as my own boss.
Checking the itinerary and I'm a little behind schedule, so I'll pick it up with some more efficient choices - no sightseeing this time. I'm out here to grab up to date scans of the most valuable worlds and get some first-hand experience with scanning the radio emissions. I'm not likely to find anything new hereabouts, but someday I will. Dropping into HIP 84497 now that's Number 55. Going to pick this up later. I promised Jordan I'd give his favourite ancient band a listen. He packed me away with the entire Pink Floyd discography, and I damn sure have the time.
Ndjabog (Number 84) is a hell of a system. Four beautiful water worlds right next to each other and a few stations to boot. I stopped by Burbank Gateway to check the Galnet information exchange - you know, to try to get an idea of what my scans are worth. Pretty sizeable, and on track for a solid upgrade after I send some back home. Cashed in a couple of the smaller intermediary systems on the route to pay for a spit and shine - for the ship, Quinn, relax. Also picked up a few more movies to watch on the way. Maybe I'll do a little review here and there.
It's time to sleep again. I'm holding out in deep space this time.
Keep the nightlight on, space cowboys.