Causing Mayham
02 Oct 2021Irimi765
Was just busy protecting Yuri Grom when I got a personal mission. It was from Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar. I just switched sides (because everybody seems to like more rocket launchers than multiguns) and maybe could make something good. I could do some "mayham in a certain system".IT WAS TERRIBLE.
I had to shoot down 24 Beluga Liners, full of protesters on the way to some meeting. Very bad feeling, but I realy needed the money...
Wel, I work against the Delta PAvonis Galactic Interstellar now. Hope that will clear this sin a little bit.
;) Al this said, it was realy an interesting mission. The Beluga Liners where not easy to mass lock and jumped away very quickly after the first shot. Had to target the FSD. And even then 1/3 jumped away before finished.
Now to the CZ in Delta Pavonis again.