Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

There's your ship, now learn to fly 2.

17 Jan 2022Tiffany Yür
Thank gods for the docking computer! I mean, I ±can dock and leave the stations given enough time, but the traffic regs and the amount of traffic nowadays are such that long maneuvers of 15 minutes are banned. I can only assume I was accepted to the pilots federation because of other merits, that is, I can manage rather long runs of monotonic flying. Being of older generation than many of the younger hotshots, who have lived their whole life during high-wake, I got used to making a few course corrections intermittently during long hauls. On particular runs I could make a three-course meal and let the ship do it's thing. Then after each course, go check the course and contacts, if any. But they have improved the low wake as well, now I haphazardly got only two courses done. No red wine sauce reduction then! Maybe on Hutton run, they say it's more like the old days. Thought I would find someone to take a bit longer travel through low wake but couldn't find anyone wanting to go where I was going. Too bad, some company is sometimes nice to have. And he/she missed a proper space dinner. Anyway, now as I'm here, I see some tourists wanting a trip away from here. I wonder who left them here stranded.

Addendum: I really don't like how the Dolphin handles, it's terrible at planetary landings and launches. Tried it out as a freighter/passenger ship. The stock version is just good enough for both, but to use it always... not until there are regular stops for stellar bus service or similar. In addition, I told the uppity middle-classer that I had freight to deliver, no time for random excursions. She paid the accepted fee though. The only reason I took her aboard was that she was going to the same general direction as my cargo. Granted, if I'd made the ship flashy and fit for pleasure cruises, i might get better contracts, but for now the Dolphin is like some service ship to the islands back home. I named it Weinbaum City Local, it's fast and manouverable enough for that. If I upgrade it, the name could change.
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