Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Hopping and shopping in and out of the Bubble

30 Jan 2022Tiffany Yür
Finally got to upgrading my Cobra Mark III for speedy deliveries and quick courier jobs. Left the current home station for the eastern? outer region making a bit of trade on the way. AZ Cancri formula 42 delivered to the outer Bubble. There are some stations and settlements outside the Bubble. Encountered two pirates or maybe homesteaders trying to take my cargo. The other one was pretty skilled and hit me when I was scanning a complex star system. I hope he got what he wanted when I left him a ton of fruits and veggies, when I got away from the encounter. The other one was persistent and tried twice to get the palladium I was transporting to another part of the Bubble. He wasn't skilled and was easily avoided. The Freit almost paid for the upgrades.

Now, I have a room in the ship which I have fitted with 3d images of the ancient earth, complete with an AI to simulate weather and passing traffic and such. There's something wrong with the room, it's been chilled to freezing temperatures and I have been having to dress up for that recently. Today was especially bad since the weather generation system had decided to throw in a bunch of snow, can you imagine?! Soon I'll have to get a shovel from somewhere and go remove the snow out of there. This isn't what I imagined Earth be like. There's no relaxation at all in there now, and it feels like my joints are aching, and I get flushes and freezes to my skin after going there. Luckily this should be a sterile environment otherwise I might even catch a flu trying to relax!. Might it be the fruits and vegetables weren't totally sterile?
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