Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Upgrades and trading

05 Feb 2022Tiffany Yür
On my travels I've found out the commerce is good only in few places. So anyone starting out and leaving the Pilot's Federation District is well advised to travel with a cheap but somewhat fast ship. This means a good frameshift drive and thrusters. Many pirates do their thing because they must do it, they've somehow got their hands on interdiction apparatus, and set it up on a ship that's not too good in basic flight. If they have a better ship stashed somewhere, they likely use it on the many combat zones all around the Bubble. I'm not saying a new commander should avoid these, but be advised, most of the combat pilots have years of experience flying manouverable ships, and their mastery of combat oriented controls like targeting, ship and manifest scans, unpredictable use of flight controls, and of course, various weaponry, is such that a pilot coming from a background of trucking or freight ships cannot manage a fight against them.
Thus moving and freighting out of common shipping lanes maybe a good thing on the star systems less secure. A combat pilot considers twice if he has enough gas and speed, if he at all sees you do freight like 400 ls off course, to interdict you doing flat out low wake.

Thus, I've set up fast thrusters and good FSDs to most of my vessels. This way you may get away from interdiction even after you've been caught. OK, occasionally you blast past the station you're trying to fly in, but on low-security systems you might get harrased even very close to a station, those systems are not very nice for trading. Unlike some medium-security systems with several ports doing slightly different things. Setting up a 'trade route' inside one star system may pay you a better ship pretty quickly.

On another matter, the 3d simulation 'relaxation room of old earth' keeps acting up. I've now twice had to clear it of snow. Could use it as a fridge or a freezer, but I'm afraid my supplies would freeze fast to the floor of the room. I still haven't managed to unlock the metadata associated with the system, so I'm guessing I got swindled somehow and got some psychrophile dream instead of early 21st century Earth living, like the guy said.
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