Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
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Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Someone stole my ship

11 Feb 2022Tiffany Yür
The Allied Police Force destroyed my Viper. I am not a combat pilot, I just got it to see why they say it's good. The f-er madlad commie extremist flying the thing died of course, I'm just glad they found out the extremists had somehow hacked my passcodes to the hangar it was drying. The guy had tried to shoot down a politician in Alliance, ok, not the most favored one in our system, but anyway a member of the Alliance! The loser didn't even have the guts to go and fight the imperials, join a squadron and earn his/her own ship, like some others. Just stole a ship and tried to f-ing shoot down a politician in our system's police protection!

The guy got what he asked and got few shots in the general direction of the politician before our police force shot him down, said the detention center guard who I had to go and meet to explain my side things. The Pilot's Federation insurance official was also present to verify my claim. In the end I got a similar ship back due insurance. The record books state I was recuperating from the test drive of the Quplanary, DB Explorer. That trip convinced me that it's a good ship and you should take your planetary scanner and the manual for the rolligon even to a test drive.

I'm not yet ready for a galaxy-spanning bus/freight service nor even for basic long exploration trips. Yes, it's pretty safe out there beyond 200 ly from the rim of the inhabited space, from the human malevolence, but still, aftier a few hours of flying, scanning, mapping, you start to get tired and accumulate small errors in basic flight. Thank God you can drop from the low wake anywhere, point the ship to nowhere and get some sleep. Or you can land to a planet if you find one that's not too hot or cold. I prefer temperatures of ~290K.

My trip with the DB Explorer earned me the Pilot's Federation licence for flying Asp Explorer, they even gave me one to do a flight test, saying it needed a short 2000 ly shakedown anyway, before it could be sold to a proper explorer. After this and with all the mess with the Viper theft I decided to get out of this ever-fighting and goods thieving civilization for a bit. Thank you Pilot's Federation for all you do, there are still pristine resources very near the inhabited space and if not very beautiful and warm, at least habitable, and terraformable planets out there to be seen and maybe even unmapped yet. The first 200 ly out though start to be nearly completely mapped, is my view. Within 500 ly there are probably even unmapped systems, as the ships navigation system tries to find fastest or most economical route, and there are systems that are not fast routes to anywhere and not economical with fuel either. I don't know how these could easily be found.
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