Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Decisions decisions and some scanning.

13 Feb 2022Tiffany Yür
First alert for those CMDRs participating in the community effort at Alcor, there are elements and persons in the community who do not wish the community goal to proceed as planned. What's their reason for this I cannot say but harrassing the freighters supplying the supplies for the Colonia Bridge project is very common within 3 jumps to Alcor.

Thus I'm removing my flight logs from public view and ending my participation in this laudable effort. We may only hope the types harrassing suppliers are not using the Colonia highway, being close minded and afraid of communities, and wishing bad to those who try to build the Galaxy together. There's little hope of this though, some of the mankind apparently wants to continue being assholes to each other, the space is not dangerous enough for them, maybe.

And what to do now? One way is to continue scanning every system while carrying some biowaste or scraps, very few pirates appear to be interested of those commodities, that are anyway continuously produced and in need of transport. Other way would be continuing what I've previously done, setting up small time trade routes between 3-4 systems.You don't earn much doing this but having one leg paying 40k and the next 20k and the next 500k keeps your ship in shape and the insurance money, in case you do get mugged by an unwanted person. Going into space mining is recommended by many, but I don't have the skills nor the resources to do that. In the event of the trade route drying up, it happens, the scanning jobs provide some comfort on the financial situation. Just be sure not carrying any precious load doing the scans, it's nearly certain someone somehow finds out you're now carrying arms to conflict area and not the usual crapload of crap. As my flightlogs have been public, I probably do wisely by abandoning the trade route I've done easy 2M/day.

In other news, the recreational room keeps on acting up. Today the weather control system had frozen the floor 5 cm thick and was drizzling of what I only can say a mix of snow and watery slush on it. Slippery as hell, I can't believe this is a place where humans of Earth wanted to live. I hope I can solve the issues with the room before I can fly back home, it's becoming a health hazard.
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