Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
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Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Speedtest, long winding routes at Phylucs, more scanning and some training.

27 Feb 2022Tiffany Yür
I was so impressed during my last travel, of the new ships' abilities to cross vast distances almost effortlessly, that I decided to do a test flight on the newly named Elysian Camper. The obvious improvement on the ship was a faster fuel scoop, so I would have to spend only little time filling up the deuterium-hydrogen mix from the stars. A grade 6B scoop was the widest I could easily get my hands on. This made all the difference in speed. During the two speedtests, I tried to fly as far as I could in 30 minutes. Both times i managed 34 jumps between stars. On the improved Elysian Camper (Asp Explorer) this meant an average of 740 ly/30 min in hyperspace. Which is fast, so fast I couldn't even d-scan everything I flew through. It's probably possible to make 32 jumps/30min while also d-scanning, the FSD cooling is fast enough for most jump intervals. But the Galaxy is still vast. Also, it looks like, while the fast router on the galaxy map tries to do straight routes, it tends to still route through certain stars more easily. You're going to miss much going on a highway compared to a longer winding road, to use a planetary metaphor. As the plotted routes turn a bit each jump, I'd say the max speed of a ship capable of jumps of 26,7ly, is something about 1250 ly/hr.

With these speed tests done, I found my self near the NGC 5662 sector, bordering the gap between the Inner Orion Arm and Centaurus Arm. There, the fast router started to regularly fail, and I had to change to the economical routes. I delved into Phylucs sector and the plottable routes started to remind a flexible wire thrown on floor. The same fear, as with the attempt to fly to Sanguineous Rim, began to rise again and I turned back towards the Bubble. Outwards I crossed Wregoe, Praea Euq, Pro Eurl, Ngc5460 and Ngc5662. The huge majority of mapping was done in Praea Euq.

Here I'd like to thank the former CMDRs visiting the area, we are plenty.
CMDRs Soweto, Portman Toe, Laurreth Laer, Phelips_Hell, Leavans, Drew Carnegie, Dezl Rampage, Spookytooth, Celtexone, ADNC2007, Torrle, GooeySideUp, Scaurus -=PL=-, Peptabysmal, Biffopotamus, JohnnyOps, David_the_Welder, Bartholomew Fruitbat, Ncinerate, Emilio Cross, J. J, Echeese, PhilK49, Base One, Opzult, Zoacenage, Broken Hillman, Qianas, Xenophon Masters, Jonn, Denman , SereneSkies, Slicod, Wallhead, Johsnerff, Kontar, Secret2K, Alitsarius, Samsonite Dove, Aurora Katar, L80sluvmygr8ness, DeltaCentauri, MDayM777, Emilio Cross, Donny222, Slon.Vorkuta, Deano1927, PabloEP, StevenShoeless, C.G.E.Mannerheim, Ashman52, and I stopped recording after this. our paths have crossed, thank you for making the trip less lonesome than I believed. Seeing the beacon of CMDR Denman for the 8th time made me replot my course, no point in flying the exact same route as others while exploring, the fact that two persons can plot almost the same route among the millions of stars made me laugh though.

On the way back, I read some of the SRV manual, and got to the point 'refuelling' when the indicator of 50% of fuel left went off. I was near the ship so it was no problem. Turns out you use the srv to get the materials you need to refuel it. I did a couple of attempts to obtain the other one I didn't have, but didn't dare to go far out of the ship. One location I landed was though so harsh a terrain I would have had to use the thrusters of the thing to get minerals. Got a memory of ship landed on a plateau 200m up from the bottom of a 2,5km deep canyon. The ship took some hits while seeking a landing place, yes. No photos though. I still haven't learnt how to use the camera drone ships are equipped with.

The final 160lys back home after the last proper fss-scan were again a speed test. Once I got home I got the Universal Cartographics prices for finding two waterworlds, mapping a few others, finding one earthlike (terraformable rocky ice planet, it was totally iced over with a T of some 260 K), mapping two earthlikes (watery), and everything else. It looks like you can get 60-70 MCr/week this way, flying out, switching to slower mode of travel, fss-scanning and mapping everything interesting. And the 'interesting' means something of everything and everything of somethings, at least to me. I think I do some touristy stuff next, maybe visit Jackson's Lighthouse, some other locations in the Bubble. I think I've had enough of wandering and rambling, for a while at least.

Yours, CMDR T.S.Heylindh Yür.
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