Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
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Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
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Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Heylindh's legacy

16 Mar 2022Tiffany Yür
Hello, it's Tiffany Yür.

I'm here to inform you CMDRs, that CMDR Heylindh Yür is dead. The Pilot's Federation informed me of the destruction of his ship, Elysian Camper, and gave me his latest flight data. Every bit of data gained of the last automated transmission indicate he was, once again, on his regular escapades. This time he apparently had flown along the Inner Orion spur, a bit rimward of the center of the spur. I haven't heard of any alien threats that far out, 3500 ly from Sol/Bubble, so I can only assume his fascination over the new high-wake ships got to him. He made several spurts of 700 or more lys, and once in a while stopped (rather slowed down) to do some scanning or maybe even mapping. The times he spent in each system indicate this.
As I know him from the days he was just a pilot within our system, I may have an explanation for what happened. Heylindh was, to be frank, rather bad at landings. Always trying to take everything too quickly, once he even ruined a landing pad, not to talk anything of the repairs needed for the bellyside of one of the family barges. He wasn't a true space born man, and he had a soft spot for any earthlike or other large planet one could land on. Even better, if the location was of proper very specific temperature. Too bad his back wasn't up to free movement without aid in such environments, he could've taken a vacation about anywhere on the home planet with the assets he gained during his short service in Pilot's Federation. He must've misjudged the strain on his body on landing to such a site, believing the high-wake ship would be way better in landings than the old ships. If by any chance he has survived the landing, though the ship was destroyed, he probably has some supplies with him, these could last a week. But to launch a rescue party, on just an encoded star name, is beyond me, and it'd be a fool's errand to attempt.

Heylindh left a note for the family, when he was leaving the Bubble, jokingly adding his list of 'in case of my non-return', in which he said several things that I'll have to come back to you again. We'll remember him as an explorer he was always talking about, he even visited the near neutron 'to get a feel of it'. As far as I know he never found one himself.

Remembering Heylindh
Tiffany Yür
cousins at Yür Freight
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