Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Heylindh the jokester.

19 Mar 2022Tiffany Yür
With all the paper(!)work done and of course the transferring of digital signatures, the Yür Freight finally got the ownership of the late cmdr's ships and finances. I'm glad to see Heylindh did not totally lose his mind when he got his license to the starships. In fact, his account shows a healthy and (mostly) stable mentality with respect to debts and accounting. The Credits on his account, and some of the ships, will help Yür Freight to expand. Maybe it's time we go interstellar. And expand to passenger traffic, to get some use of more of the ships. I managed the short tests for an Interstellar pilots license quite easily, and apparently the weaponry/shields-section is very forgiving. No wonder Heylindh passed it on the third attempt.

In his last note (letter, if you will) to us he made some wishes in case he does not return from the exploration voyage towards the center of the Galaxy. One of his wishes was we shouldn't sell any of his ships. Now WtH (pardon) for is a freight company going to need eight fighters or battleships?? OK, a couple of those can be converted to do some freight, but most are completely useless for us! Maybe he had some idea what to use those for, but unless I hear from someone of his wishes, they're going to stay dormant in the docking bay of Herrington. And then there was a wish that three of the ships set up for passenger traffic should stay as they are until they're gathered a healthy profit. Not arguing they should not, and the Adder is outfitted like some luxury taxi, so it's fine, but the others... Substandard parts, engines, passenger cabins, everything! From the flight logs it looks like they can make a profit, literally hauling passengers as cheap as possible from system to system. Of the Dolphin he didn't say anything, and that looks to be in good working order. So at least 1 ship is ready for the passenger fleet of Yür.

There was also a wish to get AZ Cancri formula to Lewis Vision, this I already did on the voyage home. A few other wishes that I, or someone else in the company can do, but not easily or fast. He wished we'd expand the hangar (he used the old word 'garage' and continue to buy different ship types when finances allow that. He said there should be enough in his account to buy a Cobra Mk. IV, so that could be the first expansion of the fleet. Guess what I've been trying to locate for the past three days? This is a customized version with very limited production numbers, and those who are on the waiting list won't give up their place. So that looks like an impossible wish. And no, I'm not going to buy a Crusader or Challenger. No need for one more warship. The cheapest sensible addition would be Krait Phantom, I can imagine it being a fast freighter on the outskirts of the Bubble. Let's see if I can find one on discount.

Now I should start to go through the equipment of the ships and get familiar with their quirks. I'm glad I'll have the help of four others in the company, those having served as helmsman on an interstellar vessel. We're not totally a backspace company. If you have some long-distance freight, like they do in Jendrassik Vision, please walk in the office, and we'll talk.

o7 CMDR Tiffany Yür
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