Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Tiffany's vacation (Heylindh's wishes)

15 Apr 2022Tiffany Yür
*Visit the nearest easily reachable borders of the Galaxy, show Ylchi the disc
-Done by flying up and down the disc, the easily reachable thickness at the Bubble area is just ~1700 light years. With these ships you can do the distance (and back) in a long day. Ylchi, Heylindh's first-cousin's son (17 years old) was with me on the trip to the north border. We named the Asp Explorer by the star we visited. The disc is clearly wider and more round 750 lys north of the Bubble.

*Visit Sol System
-Done, had to get the Federation rank for the permit, sorry if I caused some offense in the Alliance doing the missions for Federation. Visited the Mars High Station to see the origin of Yür Family. Of course Mars is unreachable with these ships, and I didn't want to go through the 2-day decontamination procedures involved with planetary shuttles. "No foreign bacteria is allowed on a planet capable of sustaining agriculture and human habitation outdoors." I almost like visiting the Terraformable planets more as you're just required to prove you're not carrying any pathogens.

*Visit the Empire
-Done by taking a tourist to see some tourist beacons. (Addition: done better by flying the better bus (Asp Scout) to the nearest systems controlled by the Empire and doing some passenger missions in there. Accidentally transported some high officials as well as regular people, and gained some reputation in the horrific slaver state. But, I have to note, I did not see any real honest to gods slavers. Or maybe I did, but didn't recognize them as such. It's possible they heard of the Scout's seeker missiles, and thought the risk too high to attempt a highjack. Most people I met were quite regular, but I was being cautious and not pushing any Alliance viewpoints on issues. And of course, the better (and flashier) the clothing on an Imperial the more polite you need to be. I've not used so many 'Lady's, 'Sire's, 'Mesdame's and 'my sur's in my life! Also accidentally, visited a system in a civil war in the Empire. I guess the fighting was luckily on pause while I was there but the station was pretty shot and infrastructural failures were imminent. After that I decided to fly back to safety to alliance territory.

*Low-wake to Hutton Orbital
-hah! It looks like I'd need to transport stuff back to Al-Din to get the discount (free) Anaconda.. The profit from Fruits and Vegetables barely covered the expenses to fix the ship. This is a long trip. Almost took a passenger out of here, he wanted to go to Katzenstein Dock. Luckily I heard he was a criminal mastermind and that Katzenstein is a hotspot for trigger happy terrorists. I'm high-waking to Sol.
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