Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


17 Jul 2022Tiffany Yür
Hello CMDRs
I've not written a log for a long time. So much has happened since I bought the Type-9, currently with a callsign "and a dancing girl". The board of Yür Freight was appropriately annoyed when I threw out 3/4 of the profits made in one month to get it. Still more money had to be used to get i to fly properly. I was put on a leave, "you can take some paid vacation in some peaceful place, and consider our position in the Alliance." I took a couple of weeks off and then went on to prove Type-9 is what we need to be competitive in bulk Freight. Granted, to get it to run 'almost as smooth' as the Type-7 Rymmer, required some additional spending. So I kind of see the Board's point. Consider this an apology. Since then, we've set up some rules over profits and their use. It's not good of a Commander finding a lucrative route to use the profits as they were totally his/hers, this was my error. The fighters and warships need upgrades as well so the big profiteers should support these.

The Board then set me on a status that allows me to fly anywhere in the human inhabited space, as a researcher for new markets, I get to choose my role in the company quite freely, as sometimes some diplomatic courier jobs and passenger missions are necessary to become acquainted with the right people. They said I've stressed myself enough with the success of basic operations. But, I like stress sometimes. Fortunately there are things to stress about even in this line of work. I in fact took a couple of weeks off of work, for the first time in several years!

So, I delved once again to the lesser ships Heylindh had left with us and found a very non-standard module from the DB Scout. The module is constantly drawing some power to create an antique environment from Earth. I don't yet know much about it, but it creates a holodeck, for the lack of better word, and shows the user a place on Earth. I believe this is rather a northern location it shows, as there were regular sleet events on my journey outside the bubble. Then later the trees, bushes and grass started leafing, and the soundscape also changes to include birdsongs and such. Heylindh did not leave any documentation of it, but he visited at least two places of alien tech and relics. It maybe some skilled artist has used some ancient record from Earth and incorporated it to alien tech. Though our tech is getting near it, the resolution of the holovideos is almost like you were there and then. The module fits ok with other modules on most medium and large ships, so I transferred it to the vessel I'm currently using. It has been an excellent escape for the occasionally hardships of space. Currently it looks like it is Middle of summer in the simulation, been seeing fledgeling birds and even a cat stalking them. Squirrels and dogs, human voices, occasionally music from far etc. Traffic was noisy back then! I've been unable to date the 'holodeck' properly' but the records are probably from early 3rd Millennium. If someone happen to know the artist who makes these, please tell his /her contact info, I think there would be a huge market for these.

After the holiday I'm settlilng to my new role in the company, and I've been travelling in the bubble and some colonized areas around the established borders. As I messaged elsewhere, got my first (and numerous) Non-human signals while visiting the Coalsack Colonies, there's quite a lot there they need, but frankly, it looked like if the Thargoids want the place totally to themselves, all they have to do is decide so and launch an attack against the 5 stations and some ground bases that humans still occupy there. I stayed well clear of their way, and ended up almost stranded amidst a large field of Brown dwarfs when getting back to the bubble. Afterwards just been chilling on the rim of the Bubble, listening to the news about Salvation Wych. I'm probably moving to the other side of the Bubble when and if (though it looks inevitable now) the fighting starts.
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