Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


14 Sep 2022Tiffany Yür
Of course the Alliance had to do this. Innocently enough, a few days ago the government sent an enquiry of our ships and assets, weapons and scientific instrumentation. Naturally we answered after they said it's being written in to law that all ships that have a home base on our system, maybe appropriated to at least evacuation flights, or defensive measures if they have the capacity. Now, luckily I haven't yet bought any AX-weapons, though our system (Herrington, aka HR 5156) has a base that can produced some of those. Some high-flying strategist has probably pressured our government to lend it's hand to defend this (Rawat) installation. And some paranoid intelligence officer has thought that this is a primary target for thargoids, and almost all regular flights should be suspended here, in order to give no impression of increased flights to this strategic location. Only essential supply flights are allowed, and even those are at discount to help the war effort! No way we can make any profit here now. Luckily none of our ships are capable of taking the thargoids head on, so maybe the military won't destroy them on some foolhardy errand.

Could say more but this is a public forum.

We welcome business again once this issue is solved, if we are still here. Thank you for the past partnerships and let us hope the Thargoids just want to teach us a lesson like last time in the Pleiades, or so some say.
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