Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

About your son.

04 Oct 2022Tiffany Yür
Hello Karen (address) and Ruby (another address)

I'm glad to inform you, that I've got some news of your wayward son, who left the bubble some 6 weeks ago. When we decided to give him the permission to use the vessel copied from specs of Heylindh's exploration vessel, we imagined he'd just fly a week outwards and come back to business. Turns out he's been continuing outwards, though his path isn't by no means straight.

I must say Kyyttö has become somewhat of an Explorer! After his last message from DSSA Rocksteady he's travelled further out than anyone I personally know. He made it to the Colonia Bridge Waystation in just 2 weeks, faster than he originally planned. Granted, it's not the station he said he would aim for, the Canonn Complex, but a megaship a few waystations nearer home, the Varangian (what does that even mean). Still, that is half way to Colonia! The locations (names of the Sector and even Galactic regions) he talks about his report to the company forced me to dig out the maps of the whole galaxy, (,! And he's made a pretty credit for Company, the Universal Cartographics has not gone mad like our government hindering regular businesses.

He's found several earth-likes, some ammonia worlds and plenty waterworlds, but he says they're far apart and only a couple of places have had similar densities of habitables than the bubble. This though has to be a guess since he's flown almost straight routes, periodically changing course for whatever reason. But look at these (images and locations redacted)!

They're from Norma Expanse, not some drawings from our own system. Looks almost like Herrington and our waterworld! There's a place to escape if everything goes to hell here. Too bad it's 8000 light years away so a colony ship would probably have it's own feuds and factions before they get there.

He says he Is planning to come back to the bubble, or at least to a good outfitting station to 'fix the AspX'. So you see he knows his way around ship mechanics pretty well. The ship integrity had gone down to 74% in these 6 weeks, he says, so he can fly them too.
I'm enclosing the private message to you two down below, he says he's staying on Varangian for a day or so, so you can use regular channels if you need to get in touch with him, no need to bother the Pilots' Federation.


(encrypted private message, (address1, address2 )
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