Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Situation in Herrington (aka HR 5156)

25 Nov 2022Tiffany Yür
As the government heard that Universal Cartographics still keeps its commitments to pay for exploration data, they've diminished their control of space flight in the vicinity. Their realization that several of nearby star systems produce AX-weaponry, has made them reconsider the protective measures around our military facility. It almost looks like times before now. They still tax us heavily, even though we promised to concentrate our AX-weaponry buys to local business.

But the government has kindly let us do a bit more than just supply runs. They let us to upgrade our warships to what _we_ thought was necessary to provide some resistance to potential thargoid attack on our system. So, the last couple of days have been quite hectic for us. First off, we do not have access to the most advanced weaponry directed to hurt thargoids. Not that we aim to do that. We could provide some assistance to the Major players in military. With that in mind we've travelled in the nearby systems to get some of the warships in working order. A couple, maybe three, of those might even give the lesser thargoids some trouble if we get our hands on a couple of upgrades. But the rest are good only for some military courier assignements. That's about all we can do with the war effort. They'll be assigned to select commanders in the Army, that will use them as they see fit. If they survive the upcoming hostilities, we'll get them back.

The other part of the contact is more pleasant to us, we'll get to do almost regular business with the Federation and the Empire again, but of course, a potential wartime sets us some limitations and responsibilities. But at least the goods trade can now be done more freely. I doubt there's much money to be made here, though, I don't yet have connections to high-ranks in either superpower. But anyway, HR 5156 is back in business and that's good.

Good luck in your endeavours, Cmdrs.
CMDR Tiffany Yür
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