Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
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Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
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Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

at Pleiades, and other activities (Legacy)

02 Jan 2023Tiffany Yür
It could be the thargoids went mad only for a while. I cannot imagine the calamities if they had continued their attacks. We had reports the great thargoid war machines could not even be approached by any sort of vessels, they were all too fast in their supercruise between the stars. And they had a cloak of the nasty caustic stuff normal thargoids sometimes shoot at people disturbing them.

In fact, I had to fly and see if there were any thargoids left, so astonishing was their disappearance. I took the new Orca for an extended mission, for me at least, and flew to Pleiades, one of the regular places thargoids had been seen for several years now. Sure, they were there. I bought some meta-alloys from Pleiades. No longer must youself do the harvesting, a couple of surface settlements sell the complex excrement of thargoid biomechanical arrays while avoiding thargons. Of course the price is pretty steep. It's indeed so steep you won't make decent profit hauling it. But as the engineer Felicity says, "we might as well try to learn from the best", I brought her a sample. I tried to find a good price for the rest, but couldn't, the market is possibly filled. Take only what you need, or some other ecological point could be made here.

I also met with two other engineers, funnily enough I remembered that "Blaster" wanted combat bonds, so I took part on a skimrish between locally hostile alliance-federation factions, and he just smiled at my 35% canopy saying, "you look like you can fight, but it is actually criminal bounties I want." His crew fixed my ship though and a short visit to navigation beacon yielded some 400k credits.
Todd made the frags on the Viper more efficient, and was eager to see more of our fighters and warships. Too bad he doesn't have a hangar.

In the process of flying back and forth between Soontill Relics and Elviras place made some overcharges on fsd at white dwarfs on the way. Should go try some neutron star also. The trouble of flying to the cone safely takes almost the same time as an extra jump, so white dwarfs are not very good at this. Add to that, their exclusion zones are huge, so everyone must be real careful to hit only the outermost part of the radiation cone.

Oh, yes, there's agricultural trouble on Todd's system, bulk freighters of food and agricultural supplies might make a good profit. But really, they probably need donations more than profiteers.
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