Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Company reorganization

30 Jan 2023Tiffany Yür
It looks like Thargoids are here to stay. This presents a totally new business environment and Yür Freight has decided to separate its departments into several companies. We are not totally opposed to the war, nowadays who would be. Thargoids don't do business and they are actively hindering efforts to keep stations running. This means supply runs to the affected systems having active hostilities have become rather difficult and cumbersome. We have now lost two ships with volunteer pilots to this, and are rather unwilling to continue paying the insurance money. We might try supply runs to thargoid presence areas with our faster ships, but these are currently in use against regular pirates.

The first division was thus easy to make, our fighters and warships are now in a separate company and their task is to kill as many of those pirate deserters as possible. This includes the occupied escape pods. Hopefully they see the error in their ways and join the fight. We are still not able to put up a proper fight against the best of pirates so missions to attack thargoids will be far and between. It is clear to us that more combat flight training, even to our most experienced pilots, is necessary for them, if they are to be sent to the systems having a thargoid presence.

Yür Passenger fleet will also be a separate company, it will have the control of charter, taxi, and regular passenger services, currently we're operating with 5 ships. We have done a few rescue missions to Thargoid areas, indicating that we are learning how to get through to the affected stations. This has cost us now 2 rebuys, luckily the other pilot survived by heroic efforts by fighters in the system. Thank you for saving him.

Yür Freight and Mining controls the rest of the ships, but further divisions are being considered. Additionally, we have decreed that some ships may be used for recreation and private use, and further two are currently reserved for exploration. We do not know if the efforts of humanity are enough to keep thargoids out of the more densely populated bubble, so some exploration might be of help, maybe to find some xenobiological samples, or some more waterworlds or earthlikes.

Currently we are planning to check if the freight routes to Pleiades are still viable, and maybe see and measure the Maia Black Hole. The rest of the plans may be discussed in the next quarterly, God willing.

33090130 18:30
Yür inc. Directorate
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