Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Partying with the Hirano Metallurgists

13 Feb 2023Tiffany Yür
I've been spending a whole lot of time at the Wolf 397 system, once I got the clearance to take all our ships to be fitted with some devastating new weaponry the Alliance weapons engineer has cooked up in his workshop. At the same time it's been a good chance to get to know very many ship types.

What I've been doing has been checking the ships' outfitting, upgrading some of the weaponry, and basically test flying them. I've even taken some Federal Navy classes meant for expert combat, they want us to occasionally hit the flight assist off! Trying to do some extra credit has nearly cost me three rebuys, but luckily none of the crash landings (two near planetary ports and one in the free-floating station) were hard enough to get through shielding and canopy. But, in combat, I'm beginning to see the wisdom of it. I'm sure to bring the skills home for our combat pilots.
And thrice have I landed more or less cleanly FA off on a planetary patch of smooth ice. I've even grown to, if not like, at least tolerate the sluggishness of the Gunship the instructor told me to use for the last training session.

Training has been pretty hard and also difficult, so I decided to bring some wine to the Hirano Metallurgists, and I decided to stay there for the night. The party went well met many lovely people, so I thought, and eventually I got pretty intoxicated. I retreated to a room with a wiev and laid down on the benches there.

Imagine my surprise when I woke up, the guards had emptied the building, and me along everyone else. Waking up in a suit on bare ground with a hangover and with no atmosphere isn't my definition of fun! The guards probably thought this was humorous. I tried to find the place the party was held, but somehow could not. The same happened with my ship.

All I could do was to call for an Apex shuttle, which took me back to Chelbin. There I could again gather my thoughts, and went to the shipsalesperson who had contacts with the docking crew, and one of the local pilots got down on the planet and brought the Viper 4, 'Hazardous Cargo' back to where I was.

So the Apex is good for something, I'd say. Next inline of ships to be checked and used is the Krait Phantom 'Medic', it's been a go-to ship for us for speedy deliveries to outposts, and I don't see it's role changing much. Too bad it is rather expensive so cargo deliveries to Thargoid warzones are possibly banned with it. I might enjoy the excitement.
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