Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Branch office to be founded

20 Feb 2023Tiffany Yür
For some time now, Yür Inc. has attempted to establish contacts with the Empire. While we are based on the Alliance territory, we see that commerce is one thing that unifies people. These efforts have now become to fruition, as we are planning to build a branch office to an Empire-affiliated world. The search for the location for the office is under way and we have relocated a few of our ships to one possible location.

Our aims in this area new to us are likely to be much of the same as in our other places of activity, to support the various stations in the area, and to maintain safety with good travelling services. As we have not yet surveyed the area the exact location of the future office will be decided later. We thank Pranav Antal and Yuri Grom for this opportunity to get a more direct contact with the Empire and are looking forward to cooperation with other companies in the area. It is important to keep supporting manufacturers especially now when large portions of humanity are facing war or worse. Keeping our infrastructure running even during the adversities will help the local people and even the refugees fleeing the war areas.

Yür Inc.
Outreach office @ Herrington
33090220 08:33
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