Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

To HQ, with respect

03 Mar 2023Tiffany Yür
The Idea of a branch office nearer the Empire is still a good idea, Tiffany. It just so happens that the area we got assigned to is not the best in this respect. Still it's very well of Pr. Antal, Li Yong-Rui and others to allow us to operate here with only minimal guidance.

In fact, in the area we are in, there are almost enough assets to do very well locally, type-9 being the best ship for many freight operations. With the missing assets, really there is only one, we need to get in touch with the neigboring commercial groups.

The link to the main area of the group we are in, is though long - almost 70 lys - so commercially we cannot take part in the groups activities in their main area of interest. Additionally, the link has several brown dwarfs and T Tauris, and it's stations are mostly equipped with only medium landing pads, so type-9 freight is practically impossible or at least very slow.

On this area we have employed the Python. Transforming it to a freighter was surprisingly easy. The area almost breaks in two, since the better stars and planets in the area are in the hands of other commercial groups. I've been searching through these systems for beneficial deals, but as you might guess, this will take time.

One funny observation concerning this area of brown dwarfs. Almost in the middle of it there is a lonely star with a good number of asteroid fields. The star has no planets, there is only one station. This is the easiest place to get through the band of brown dwarfs. The station is large. At least 5 different groups show interest on this location, we being one. The station is likely a local hub for shady deals and freight transfers, and it's run by communists! Well, they keep the place running, i have to say, they likely get their funding through cargo some want to get rid of, docking fees and small-time mining. Really, a crossing point of three spaceways. This place might be used to smuggle about anything to federation - empire or independent worlds.

But we are not smugglers. We'll contact the nearest representatives of the Empire likely in next two weeks so until then.

(Location erased)
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