Cmdr Tiffany Yür
Trader / Tour operator
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain TS-09T
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Stuck with the local politics

19 Mar 2023Tiffany Yür
Hello Tiffany,

I'm afraid the intended expansion of our trade to the Empire areas has to wait, still. I know I promised to contact the nearest factions in the Empire a week - two weeks ago. This I have done. These factions though, are not too close to the inner circle of the Empire, with a possible exeption of two. The circumstance that lead to my departure from the office was rather hasty, it turned out that the trade is somewhat controlled here. My eagerness to do well for the hosts and hostesses here inadverently lead to a minor skimrish, though locals called it a war. Thus the hosts had to deploy ground troops to protect their assets. I'm no soldier, at least on planets, so after some apologies I left for the Empire. To think that (admittedly, rather intense and protectionist) trade could lead to violent aggression had not occurred to me before. The ground troops deployed did their work admirably and now our hosts have another station down on the planet in question. I have not yet returned to the sub-area where the incident happened. I let things cool down and went to Pleiades, saw some thargoid xenobiological machines called Barnacles but missed the black hole you wanted data of. Sorry for that too, will do another trip there.

Inclosing some data on barnacles and the factions of Empire that might be favorable for our trade.

After I returned from Pleiades I've been learning the intricasies of the trade here. There are so many neighboring groups here nearer the Sol system, that politics almost always interferes with trade. Nevertheless, I'm still earning the company some money, and the companty might get a new type of ship in a month or so. Asking for your patience, moving nearer the birthplace of mankind isn't as easy as I thought.

CMDR Kyyttö Yür-Smith
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