Logbook entry

Log #0007: My new wingmates

06 Jul 2022Zemedelphos
==Logging Initiated==

I've recently begun mentoring two new friends. Commanders "W4rd06" and HalisAN. Halisan seems to more or less have the skills down, and is seeking advice on how to use them. CMDR Dog however, is getting more direct lessons from myself and CMDR Benny. Whereas Wardog seeks to become an explorer like the two of us, Halisan seems more interested in the combat role. And honestly, I think that's great. Perhaps they'll come with us exploring anyway. They'll get a copy of the data, and be able to help protect us in case we run into any hostile humans, or worse, thargoids.

Only time will tell. Until then, I've begun spending my spare time space truckin', grinding my rank to Tycoon so far. Double-Elite, here I come.

==Logging Ended==
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