Logbook entry

LOG=/002//DATE=09_01_3301//SUBJECT=/Aisling Anger

02 Sep 2015Davarpe
I felt like i should upload this today, hard day, and i really mean it.

This was another day when you really thanks the fact that scape pods exist. I decided to move back to Aisling space, due to the fact that she needs help in managing all the new colonies, and everything was going extremely good, Grasshopper made a record travelling today, the fact that the ship was unload made the difference, and in about seven jumps i managed to get to Cubeo... I did not remember how crowded that sector was, but what i really did not remember was how unsafe it actually is.

I was about to leave supercruise mode, i remember greeting another commander since i was extremely happy of being back to Aisling space... And... Boom! Alarms, Interdiction warnings all around the cockpit, i tried my best, but my Grasshopper is good at jumping, not at avoiding totally equipped Fer-de-lances.

When i left supercruise mode that stupid guy did not even let me talk, he just lowered my shields to 10%, and that was it, i did not even have time to react, i pulled the red lever and everything i could see was my por Grasshopper blowing up.

I think the explosión hid me, because as soon as the poor T6 blowed up, he dissapeared. At least i could get his data. CMDR RAlexay, who pledged allegiance to Lavigny Duval, that was really a surprise for me, Imperials attacking Imperials. I know we may differ in some thoughts, but i think we still want the empire to flourish in this Galaxy...

Anyway, this only made me wanted to help Aisling even more, so when i was brought back to the nearest station, and once the insurance gave me another T6, i decided to move once again to Cubeo. There i met a Freelancer who alse pledged allegiance to Aisling, and he accepted help me to assist our princess in fortifying some sectors, so we made our way. He was extremely nice, and he had skills, yes.

Back in Cubeo, and noticing once again how unsafe it was,i felt extremely bad. We, the most open part of the Empire, we, who want to avoid slavery, stop trading with narcotics, stop power abuse, like this, with our main sector full of pirates,brainless feds interdicting our vulnerable traders... No. I will not let that happen, for the princess.

Tomorrow i will get another Cobra MK III, and this time it will not be a multi task ship, this time i am going to clean our sectors from filthy scum.

I swear this. Hail to Aisling!
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