Logbook entry

LOG=/003//DATE=09_03_3301//SUBJECT=/The Princess Will

04 Sep 2015Davarpe
So, i finally could do something of use for the Princess, i got to Chona, and there i could buy one of the finest Cobras i have ever seen, it is amazing, even though i will upgrade it a bit too. My feelings at that moment made me decide that i wanted it to look aggressive, so in the end i painted it like those filthy pirates tend to paint their ships, difference here, i will be the pirate hunter.

I saw that one of our major mining sectors is an Anarchy system, meaning that there are no authority vessels there, i could not find better target to deffend our people. I went there to one of the Resources Extraction Area and startes to warn pirates, inviting them to leave. Those who refused it, hell yeah, Fireworks.

Now i have been running a couple of fast trips, helping to fortify one of our target systems, let's hope that our strategic commanders make an amazing job as they did with last turn.

Now finally, i still need to meet my friend and talk with him about all the stuff i am living, i wish he would join the princess, we fight for a good cause, but i'd rather not bother him with that, he's happy as a FreeLancer...

Anyway, loggint out.
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