Logbook entry

Starting to Log Progress And Plans

20 Jan 2021Clearbrook
Well, the Community Goals to support the Marlinists is just about done. I did well enough on the Defending Portion. No surprise there, I suppose, since I am at roughly 60,000 bounties collected, and I think I know what I am doing there. Still, for combat, I think my ships could better match my fighting style. I am wondering whether or not to Update the Standard Loadout for the Cuisinart Kitten. I am thinking of replacing some weapons, adding a turreted medium Multicannon, a turreted medium Burst Laser, and a large turreted Pulse Laser. Not sure what engineering I will do on those. I noticed that my Kill Warrant Scanner is not engineered yet, so I may do that as well.

I am also thinking of pursuing Guardian Tech, although most of it seems to be a complete waste for me. If they could be engineered, (even if that engineering were very low yield) some of those techs might be more worthwhile. I doubt that the effort to bring that to the table is forthcoming from those guys at Frontier, however. I won't waste the effort in anticipation. If they decide to give that to us, I am more than able to respond in response to what is offered. My motto is to take advantage of what I am given. IF they don't give us anything I see as worthwhile, no sweat. Adapt and Overcome.

I might need to do some surface prospecting for materials. We will see how far I can go on what I have got so far. I think lightweight is the way to go with the Kill Warrant Scanner. It would not make much difference, but I have had a few times where just a small bit more speed might make the difference. As the saying goes: "Speed is Life" and I am pretty sure speed is what has helped me survive on more than one occasion. It has also helped me kill fleeing targets, although response time is probably more critical there. Anticipating their break for running away is an art, one I am pretty good at, even if not completely mastered.

Well, now that my thoughts are down, we will see how they change as it progresses. Materials may become a factor in what engineering choices I make.

Once done with the Cuisinart Kitten, I think I will revisit the design of Arie's Star Spark. I think that one could use updating, as well.

The concept for an anti-ganker ship is still gestating. I am thinking of naming it either "The Punisher" or "Retribution" although if I could do a custom paint job, "Punisher" would win, hands down. Don't need to nail down a name until I have the concept somewhat complete.

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