Logbook entry

3310... the rest is not important

30 Jan 2024T'ien Lung
Space... infinite, dark, and cold. It's fucking cold if you've been drifting in it alone for more than two years. It was the end of 3307 when that damn bug pulled me out, and although I managed to shake it off, it ruined my frame shift drive so much that I couldn't do more than a few Ls with it, and then I had to repair it for another jump for weeks. It should be called procrastination instead of jumping. It took me over two years to reach a populated system. Meanwhile, the war with the Thargoids consumed the universe I knew. My friends are dead or gone. The systems destroyed by the Thargoids were abandoned, and only the ruins showed signs of destruction. All I have left is hatred for the damn bugs.

In the last couple of weeks, I saved up some money and spent it on the latest AX developments. I call my ship Blue Angel and leave no Xeno trash alive...

I heard about the newer Thargoid races... The Glaives... Then yesterday, I met them for the first time. When they pulled my ship out and started shooting at me, I didn't even have time to run an armament diagnostic. The ship's scanners detected their presence immediately. Among the waves of dark energy and greenish lights, the shadows, the Thargoids, appeared. But the AX multi-cannons did not let me down. They spun up and started raining death on my attackers, the Blue Angel flying out into the darkness like a weapon. Hate and the pain of losses drove me forward; I was ready for revenge.

The battle was fierce. The Thargoids surrounded me; greenish projectiles slammed into the hull, and I tried to avoid damage with quick and skillful maneuvers. However, my ship's weapons were on target, and more and more Xenos were reduced to clouds of debris, ceasing their fight. Driven by the flames of anger and hatred, revenge guided my movements.

As the Thargoid fleet disintegrated in the final moments of the battle and darkness engulfed the landscape again, I paused for a moment. The feeling of victory and the memory of losses were mixed in me. The Blue Angel cooled with a popping sound, and as I left the battlefield, the abandoned system fell back into an eerie silence.

I still have a long way to go. Deep in the galaxy, there were still plenty of Thargoid threats waiting to stop humanity's advance. But now, aboard the Blue Angel, I felt that maybe I had finally found what I was looking for purpose and relief from the pain. Aboard my ship among the stars, new tasks and challenges await, but now determination and hatred served as the compass of my navigation system.

Now I'm back...
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