Logbook entry

Stolen war plans

12 Jan 2017Per-Ja Ferra
Still feeling a bit woozy from the other day but I had contracts to fill.  After going to the Medico on OC (Olivas City) and being told the test will take a few days I headed back out to the ice and make some credits.  After swinging by the job board and grabbing a few more contracts I loaded up the Rock Hound on Limpets and headed out.

It was a getting boring and predictable, fire a prospector wait on results if it had Peroxide or Crystals hit it with the lasers and the collectors would do the rest.  As I', waiting on the refinery to process the last of what I need to compete a contract the comm panel beeped.  I gave it a glance and my eyes went wide, the Vice Prez of the Liberals wanted me to run a little SaR work for them.  I was about to decline it until I noted the million credit payout.  A million credits to run over to FURBAIDE grab some documents off a wreck and bring them back to Helmholtz.  It sounded hinky but what the hell I was bored anyway.

I wrapped up my two contracts in the ice, I had two more but they were not due for a few days yet, plenty of time to do the work in Furbaide.  Once back at Olivas I grabbed the Dire Wolf out of storage and lifted.  Simple enough job and it felt great to be back in a ship that could maneuver.  The job went smooth as can be dropped into Furbaide found the wreck just outside of the Furbaide C.  Grabbed the loot and scooted back to LHS 3505.  Payment was prompt and I was a million richer.  

While waiting on the pick-up I spotted a simple one way haulage contract for a few million I could run in the Dire Wolf...I ran the numbers and went for it.  Four jumps later I was dropping off the cargo and collecting my credits then back to OC to get the Rock Hound working the ice again.  All in all a nice side jaunt and with the few extra credits in my pocket I was able to upgrade two of the systems on the Dire Wolf.

Tomorrow I go back to the ice...after that I think I may go hunting...
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︎0 Shiny!
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