Logbook entry

Grand Tour - Yeah Right try Dry Dock Tour

22 Jan 2017Per-Ja Ferra
The plan was to tour the systems but a guys got to eat. I took a trade run out of Wolf space and decided to do a little metal mining while there. Had a nice haul too. That's what the locals thought when they hit me from behind. The Rock Hound was rigged for mining not combat. I tried to run but it was to late. A local trader hauled me and the wreck of the Hound into port. I patched her enough to get back to Jonai where she went into dry dock.. IT is going to take a keel up re-build to put her right. Luckily I had the credits but that ended the tour.

To make up for lost profits I took on a Rich tourist, payed me 4 million to take them 3k light years. While I wait on the Rock Hound I'll use Far Reach and run tourists for the credits. With luck I can make back what I lost.
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