Logbook entry


23 Jan 2017Per-Ja Ferra
I will be glad to get this fat cat tourist back to the station and off my ship. I should have known they would be a pain, the money was to good. 8 million for 3k light years round trip. All they have done is complain. “CMDR the air in my cabin is stuffy.” “CMDR I don’t like the dinner menu.” “CMDR can we land at a station so I can go shopping?

Ugg…like there is a station near where we are going! Last time I checked the closest station was at least twenty jumps away. Don’t like the food…think its stuffy. They should have been on the Far Reach when I flew her to Colonia. That was 21k light years one way! Don't even get me started on the one who broke into my cabin because she wanted to be with the pilot!
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