Logbook entry

Time to Prowl

01 Feb 2017Per-Ja Ferra
Revived an urgent request from the pack, seems we lost the war in EK. I'm headed back to Pribylov Port to pick up the Dire Wolf. She needs a few updates to her systems since the last time I flew her but I can make all of those at Schrodinger City in the LAKURBAL system. I have the credits on hand and improving my combat rating would be good. I'd prefer to be fighting for one of the major factions but as an independent you go where the credits are. Need to cash in on at least one bounty before I hit the CZ's though. Some scum deiced that my Python was a nice fat target, he was right, but he didn't expect me to fight back. He's in an escape pod now.
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︎1 Shiny!
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