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Kicked a tech out an airlock tonight...

02 Feb 2017Per-Ja Ferra
I took the Dire Wolf out for re-fitting. Some how in all of the changes I ordered up the techs heard me tell them to downgrade the Frame Drive from a 4A to a 3A. That's fine and dandy if I'm staying in system but I don't. Hell the 3A could barly move my Viper IV to the neighboring system. To boot it they sold my 4A before I could get back to the dock. I ended up taking a hopper out and using the Rock Hound to haul in a new Frame Drive.

After it was all sorted I headed over to one of the CZ's and went hunting. Netted over a million for my troubles. I plan to do more tomorrow. Maybe the Pilots guild will see fit to update my Combat Rank tomorrow.
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