Logbook entry

The Kessel Run

06 Mar 2017Per-Ja Ferra
After the purchase of the new ship I found myself depleted of funds. What better way to get credits in my account than to take on a passenger. Some Rich touris wanted to go see the Great Annihilator and was willing to pay for the trip. The Great Annihilator is a system containing two black holes. Great Annihilator A compresses approximately 198 solar masses within 0.0008 solar radii and Great Annihilator B contains about 66 solar masses within 0.003 solar radii. The black holes have five stars orbiting them. The system is located near the galactic core at 360:-43:23000. It is one of the brightest gamma-ray sources found in the Milky Way Galaxy and it produces massive amounts of pairs of photons at 511 keV, which usually indicates the annihilation of an electron-positron pair (thus, the name). The Great Annihilator also has a radio source counterpart which emits jets that are about three light years long. These jets are probably synchrotron emissions from positron-electron pairs streaming out at high velocities from the source of antimatter.

I added some classic videos to the passenger play lists and last evening we had a great laugh when one of the characters bragged about making a space run faster than anyone else. The laugh came when he quoted distance rather than speed. Afterwards we looked up the fictitious feat and discovered that he made the brad because he flew closer to a massive collection of black holes and thus reduced the distance he had to fly. In honer of that we have dubbed our trip the 'Kessel Run'.

On a mechanical note the Far Reach is running well. We jumped into a system today that had two suns. Normally that is no problem but these two were orbiting each other extremely closely. By the time we reverted to real space from witch space the internal heat was already cooking systems. I'll probably have to do some minor repair work after we make the Annihilator.
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