Logbook entry

Pirate Scum

12 Jul 2017Per-Ja Ferra
The Stellar Wind bucked as the interdiction field grabbed at her. I had been watching the other ship slid in behind me for a while now. I was hoping that I would not be forced to take action. I knew better but I was trying to be a glass half full guy today. When they are interdicted most pilots would turn and burn looking for an open vector and a way to wrench away from the interdict field but I'm not other pilots. I let the field draw on the ship as I cut all thrust and adjusted the pips.

By the time real space had asserted itself outside my canopy the weapons capacitor was reading full and the hard points were sliding open. I hit the button on my flight stick that locked onto the highest threat target and rolled the Stellar Wind to port. At the same time my right hand threw the main drive to half power and my thumb pushed the maneuvering thrusters to help my ship nose down and around. I spotted his running lights as he was muttered some threat or other over the comms, distractedly I noted that he was also flying a Python. Bet he didn't have the upgrades I did! Before he had stopped speaking some platitude about dumping cargo and not harming me red bolts lanced out from the three burst lasers I carried. He jiggered to starboard and I rolled the ship into a kick turn as my shields lit up with hits.

It was a short fight. The burst lasers are only for the shields. The real armament is in the pair of missile tubes I carry. When his shields dropped I was close and managed to squeeze two sets of missiles out of the tubes before I had to bank for another pass. By that time system cops were there. As I banked around they hammered him with beams. I finished him with my bursts and another round of missiles. As the debris scattered I calmly reached over and extended my cargo ramp and brought the Stellar Wind to a full stop. The collector limpet went to work picking up the junk he dropped and I reviewed the sensor data to see how much bounty I was owed. Ten minuets later I was closing in on New Dawn station.

When I flew out here I was not expecting to have to fight, to be honest I had heard rumors that the feds had a bunch of data to transfer back and forth and that it would look good on a resume. You know how they are, they don't care much what you do but they can be stingy on promotions if you don't scratch the right spot and this was the right spot to scratch, or so the rumor was. Turned out to be true as the Pilot Federation says I am gaining Federal Reputation rank quick. Might stay here a few days, be nice to make the toadies call me Admiral and salute when I come into a room.
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︎2 Shiny!
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