Logbook entry

05 Feb 2019Per-Ja Ferra
The black...it calls.  I have a shiny new Krait Phantom sitting at Jameson just waiting.  It will have to wait though, right now I need to track down the materials I need to make the modifications.  The problem with the Phantom is simple.  It's stock and that won't cut it for me.  This time I plan to run long, I might even head to Beagle Point.  I've been as far as the core and now there are stations out there to stop and re-fuel and re-stock.  Why not.  So I'm biding my time in the Wayward Son and the Stellar Wind looking for materials.  

Though it would be nice to finish up that last combat rank....could wrap it up and take the long black as a celebration of sorts.  No matter what I need two things to finish up that Phantom, credits, and materials.  Well, really just one thing.  Materials.  Might have to dicker with a trader...perhaps that would speed things up...
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︎0 Shiny!
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