Logbook entry


31 Mar 2022Per-Ja Ferra
It's been a busy few days in and around LAWD 17. Though the Amaroq is on station here I haven't been aboard in nearly a week. One more day and we will meet the client, 160 S.O.A.R.'s contract requirements. The contract was simple enough, move the Ao Guang Jet Comms Co into a controlling state in the system. We finished that a few days back, easy enough. The stretch goal is taking a bit longer, the want to expand Ao Guang Jet Comms Co. As of last check they were sitting at 68%. Tonight work should move them to the needed 75%. The good news is we have already been paid for the first part of the contract. They delivered over 800 tons of Tritium to the Amaroq. I asked them to hold the rest until we complete the stretch goal.

After this I think we will spend some time mining. I am hearing rumors of an upcoming large mining contract. Be a nice change of pace for us. We will see what the future holds.


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