Cmdr N.R.Crosby
Trader / Diplomat
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Python X-6CZR
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Winters Wolves

Logbook entry

Elder Pack Leaders Log Stardate Sept 8th 3303

08 Sep 2017N.R.Crosby
It has been a extremely busy time since my last entry into my data pad. What can I say The Winters Wolves are shaping up nicely and new recruits are flooding through our terminal everyday. Politically things are still a mess in 41 Lambda Hydrae The Chindi-Malistso are as convinced as ever that rejoining Winters was a big mistake and they campaign hard to undermine our cause. On a good note we expanded into LTT 3712 and our campaign there is going very well, our one snag however is the Federal Liberal Command and our Corporate Protection Contract to honor our agreement I have had to make the tough decision to allow them to take control of the Pandhis System Suffice to say such a decision wasn't easy as this gives ammunition to the Chindi-Malsisto's cause, but they are short sighted and do not understand I do this for them. Without working with the FLC we can never hope to expand beyond the Borders of Winters and into open space where they will find the security and independence they value so dear. Will it be Wayola 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 No and it never will be we cannot go back only forward. What happened in Operation Firestorm Happened and nothing will ever change that. The Chindi-Malistso will just have to learn to live with it or let their anger and frustration consume them. I for one hope that they will see the light at the end of the tunnel, I for one hope they will see that I do what I do not only for the Winters Wolves, but also for the Spirit Wolves as well.

Elder Pack Leader for the Winters Wolves.
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